CFA知识掌握的如何?CFA考试中的概率问题是不是掌握了呢?看看融跃小编给你找的一道CFA考试题,看看其中包含的知识点是什么?是不是能在1.5分钟做对这道考试题呢?The probability of event A is 40%. The probability of event B is 60%.The joint probability of AB is 40%. The probabili
In examining the currency markets, Birol is concerned that local currency dealers are being taken advantage of by arbitrageurs from Europe. He analyzes the rate quotes in Exhibit 2 for evidence of tri
Limitations of Discretionary Fiscal Policy这么长的英文是什么含义呢?在CFA考试中这个知识点需要掌握的是什么呢?我们一起看看这个知识点!小编给你说这个英文的含义是补偿性财政政策的局限性,它的局限性有哪些呢?今天跟着小编看看,毕竟这个知识点是经济学科目中的知识,有需要可以了解哦!CFA备考怎么能少了CFA备考资料呢?小编为各位考生准备了CFA备考资料,有需要