CFA Mock Exam是CFA协会官方出版,作为最终冲刺阶段CFA模考,和正式CFA考试试题结构、形式、CFA考试范围都相似的试题.我一秒钟也没有怀疑过CFA mock价值,如果有可能,推荐把历年的CFA Mock exam多做几套.
每年CFA考试之前,CFA官方协会都会推出全真模拟样题mock exam供所有考试候选人(Candidates)练手备考之用.由于其考试形式、题目设置都与当期考试极为接近,尤其是考题内容有很高的覆盖率与重合率,甚至有许多模拟题中的题目在真实考试中会反复出现,因此很多考生都将这次模拟考试机会作为最后的冲刺、提升机会.真的会带来意想不到的效果!
CFA institute官网关于mock解释
The mock exam is designed to mimic, as closely as possible, the exam day experience. It is timed and structured with approximately the same topic area weights and level of difficulty as the actual exam.
CFA协会的原文告诉我们,CFA报名费用包括ebook、practice tests、mock exam和study planner.
Your registration fee includes:
Access to the curriculum eBook for your exam level
Supplemental study tools: Topic-based practice tests, mock exams, and an interactive study planner.