CFA考试中的每个知识点都是能出一个考试题的,今天和小编一起看看下面这道题的考试知识点是什么呢?Hedge fund manager Roberted Lee gathered the following financial data for public company Source Me:Gross Property, Plants and Equipments 6,000 millionAc
CFA一级数量分析考题也有概念基础题也有计算题,今天我们看看CFA考试中的计算题,看看你数学学习的怎样呢?Given the following observations:2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 The 65th percentile is closest to:A 5.85.B 6.55.C 8.7
CFA一级伦理道德考试题是很容易出错的,一不小心你就可能陷入CFA考试题的圈套里去了!不知道正在备考CFA一级考试的你是不是对着道题也是这样的呢?看看这道题你是不是能正确的做出来呢?Ed Ingus, CFA, visits the headquarters and main plant of Bullitt Company and observes that?inventories of uns
CFA考试中10个科目,今天跟着小编一起看看CFA一级衍生品相关的考题。看看你是不是能将CFA考试题做的怎么样?How can a bank create a synthetic 60-day forward rate agreement on a 180-day interest rate?A Borrow for 180 days and lend the proceed