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CFA一级易错题:Empirical duration is likely the best measure of the impact

发布时间:2023-07-21 15:43编辑:融跃教育CFA

Empirical duration is likely the best measure of the impact of yield changes on portfolio value, especially under stressed market conditions, for a portfolio consisting of:

A 100% sovereign bonds of several AAA rated euro area issuers.

B 100% covered bonds of several AAA rated euro area corporate issuers.

C 25% AAA rated sovereign bonds, 25% AAA rated corporate bonds, and 50% high-yield corporate bonds, all from various euro area sovereign and corporate issuers.

(固收 Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return)

这是新增知识点,麦考利久期和有效久期等通过公式得出的叫做分析久期analytical duration;而通过债券的历史数据计算得出的叫实证久期empirical duration,更适用于估计高风险高收益债券的久期,特别是在经济不好时,高收益债券的实证久期会小于分析久期,主要是由于基准利率和利差呈负相关关系,记住结论即可。


上一篇:CFA一级易错题:An analyst has made the following return projections




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